Fruit Monster Strawberry Kiwi Pomegranate eJuice
- $24.99
- $14.99
Strawberry Kiwi Pomegranate Ejuice by Fruit Monster features fruit's favorite duo with a special twist. Sun kissed strawberries and lush green kiwis meet your taste buds on the inhale. Yet on the exhale, you get the rich and exotic flavor of pomegranates. Keep your taste buds guessing which fruit will be the next one to wash over your palate, thanks to this triple fruit threat!
Fruit Monster Strawberry Kiwi Pomegranate Ejuice Description
Enjoy a cornucopia of fruits, brimming with sun kissed strawberries, emerald green kiwis, and ripe pomegranates. These fruits are heavily guarded by the famed Fruit Monster, cousin of Bigfoot. We crept past the slumbering giant to his field of strawberries, where miles of ripe ruby red berries lay gleaming in the sun. These sweet berries brought all the happy memories of summer in a single bite, drenching our taste buds with sweet flavor. We wandered further into the Fruit Monster's fields and stumbled across a field of kiwi trees, where furry brown fruits swayed gently in the summer breeze. The kiwis had ripened to a lush softness, the emerald green flesh overflowing with fresh fruit juice.
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